AMP is blended with aloe vera extract, various minerals, bee pollen, royal jelly and other natural ingredients, making it easier for our body to absorb and assimilate. Its contents are effective in strengthening the immune system, detoxify the body and reducing illness occurrence. It is suitable for all ages, especially to the elderly and people with a weak immune system.
Twice a day. Drink with cool water. Do not use metallic cup or spoon.
Twice a day. Drink with cool water. Do not use metallic cup or spoon.
芦荟矿物晶含有芦荟精华、多种矿物质、优质花粉、蜂皇浆等天然成分,能提高人体免疫力,清除体内毒素,调节身体内环境平衡,达到改善体质,促进健康,减少疾病。适合所有年龄服用,尤其年长者及体弱者。 食用方法
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